Thursday, May 23, 2024

North Georgia Modurail train club 05/24 event

 Hello Railfans ,

Our club train event at Buford Presbyterian church in Buford, GA



Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Face to face and saved by grace

 Good morning, all, Happy Wednesday,

The phrase "face to face" was brought to my attention today, this morning. Instant #1 on Dr. David Jeremiah Twitter post, He reminded everybody that "one day we'll see Him face-to-face"
I read that post and started getting ready for the day and the song, "we shall see Him face-to-face, and tell the story saved by grace"
So instant #2 God brought the song to my heart and mind. (PTL!!)
Then instant # 3 I'm reading The Epistle of John this week,
2 John 1:12
Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.
Three times, GOD's number, so I know I need to share this with you all today.
For me, I am glad I will see Him face-to-face and truly I will tell story saved-by-grace !! (well praise the LOED anyway !!)
Don't know who it's for, perhaps for me, but I going to feast on the thought face-to-face and the story, SAVED BY GRACE!!
May GOD bless you all, Have a great Day!!


Thursday, January 25, 2024

North GA Modurail Train club meeting

 North Georgia Modurail Train Club meeting 01/25 @ 7 PM in Southeastern Railway museum in Duluth, GA.


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Great Smoky Mountians Railroad July 2020

Hello blog followers and fellow rail-fans,

Here are some pictures of out last rail-ran trip to Bryon City, NC.,  July 2020

The Great Smoky Mountains Railroad

 Here we see their active Steam engines US Army Baldwin 1702 (2-8-0) the engine they use for steam excursion trips.

Notice the red Caboose is near the front of the train and not in back or last, well, that's because it used for special riding for passengers and used for site seeing.  The caboose was usually the last car on the train concept. The conductor  used it for his office and bed room. Even sometimes dinning room, as many did have a wood stove.

I always thought I would like a caboose layout for an office and play room, the Mom thought other-wise. 

We start our children off young, he is from Florida but he loves trains !!

The young cousins enjoying a great train trip.


OH yes, we had to have some ice cream, always time for an ice cream break. An ice cream eatery in Dillsboro, NC.

And yes, we had to wear a mask in some places and in the coaches.

It was a great day and a great trip and always FUN with Family. Hope see you next time, perhaps Rail-fanning, somewhere near a mainline track, but especially with steam!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

GA Port Authority MEGA Project 2020

GPA MEGA Project 2020

It's a huge project Dan. They opened PHb and now are flipping over to the left on PHA and D . 9 more intermodal track. Track 18,17,16 are already in. The will be redoing the ladder at both ends and merging with a south end making a 90 degree bend called PHc . More tracks.

4 year project. It's awesome. Those cranes span 9 tracks then turn the container 90 degrees perpendicular to to the rails for waiting chassis.

Garden City near Savannah, GA, perhaps a great place to Rail Fan !!

Monday, June 29, 2020

NGM CLub update 06/20

To NGM club members:

Hello everyone we hope y’all are doing good in these times of crisis. Due the COVID 19 we were force to cancel our two show, Buford Presbyterian usually hosted in May and now Smoke Rise which usually held in July. However we hope to continue to have Gwinnett Country Fair show in September. We hope you have one of show going and hope everyone stays safe and keep on steaming! Be look out for future show and updates!

Caleb Samples

Friday, May 29, 2020

Blog and Train club update May 2020

Hello blog followers,

We are shutdown these days. Nothing to add from out Train club or family hobby to this blog. Although, with our family we will update our home layout. It will be on a 4'X8' piece of plywood on three sturdy wooden saw horses, which will be in our dinning room. Mom was "OK" with this move.

Train club activities are on hold until the Fall 2020, so we will work on club modules and club trailer for carrying club modules to the events.

This may be a familiar picture for those who follow this blog, but we hope to be there at NS Downtown Atlanta building one more year, we will keep you posted.

And we will let you know by posting our Rail fanning pictures when the opportunities happen.