Saturday, June 17, 2017

Rail Fanning at TVRM June 2017

Hello again everybody,

We did some rail fanning at TVRM in Chattanooga in June 2017.

Friday, June 16, 2017

NGM June 2017 events

Dear Members.

Please join us for our next meeting coming up this next Thursday, June 22

Place:  Southeast Railway Museum, Duluth, GA (off of Buford Highway)

Clinic:  Rob Keeney on setting up the new power boxes for our layout

Announcing a Work Day, June 24 (Saturday)
@ Southeast Railway Museum
(more information will be given at the meeting)


Stephen Springer is inviting members to an operating session at his home in Marietta, Sunday afternoon, June 25.  Contact Stephen for more information and directions to his home.  Needed: Yardmaster, Road Dispatcher, Engineers and Conductors

Looking ahead in July 2017, 
     the Smokerise Show, July 29-30
@ Smoke Rise Baptist Church, Stone Mountain, GA

Friday, June 2, 2017

NW611 April 2017

Hello again Rail Fans, we went on another train excursion  on the NW 611 in April 2017.

My son's childhood favor model.  That's all we heard about until we bought this model NW611 model train in December 2006 for his Christmas.

It's become a family hobby of Rail Fanning, especially steam trains.  It just puts a smile on our faces.

We enjoyed a very comfortable seating, even though we were on the next to last passenger car, the comfort was worth the ride from Spencer, NC to Lynchburg, Va. and back.

Great time, great fun with the family, Rail Fanning!!  We'll see you next time. :-)