Thursday, October 26, 2017

NGM at SRM 2017

NGM at SRM 2017

Model Train Exhibit
by North Georgia Modurail at
The Southeastern Railroad Museum
Duluth, GA 20096.
Here are the dates:
Setup Nov. 3rd Friday 2pm
Train Operations Nov. 4th Saturday 10am – 5pm (Day one of Model RR days)
Also, Saturday Nov. 4th 6p – 8p Special Club operating session led by Walt Lies (we'll have pizza and doughnuts)
Train Operations Nov 5th 10am – 5pm (and Day 2 of Museum’s Model RR days)
Nov. 6th   Monday, Museum Closed
Nov. 7th Tuesday, Museum Closed
Nov. 8th – 11th Train Operations 10am – 5pm
Layout tear-down Nov. 11th Saturday 4pm

Duane Herbert to design layout and create a module sign sheet

Coordinators Dan & Caleb Samples and Sam Rehonic

Also remember we will operate during museum hours only, any other late night can be requested to Coordinators and /or based on club member’s interest only.