Tuesday, October 29, 2019

NGM at SRM Nov. 2019

NGM at SRM November 2019

North Georgia Modurail train club next event at Southeastern Railway Museum Duluth, GA Saturday and Sunday November 2-3 11am - 4pm

Model Railroad days and Piedmont Pilgrimage, tour of homes.   The museum will be one of the stops.

Our 40 ft. layout will be into exhibit hall, next to year round museum layout. Club members will setup and operate

Friday, October 18, 2019

NGM at GCF 2019

North Georgia Modurail Train club at Gwinnett County Fair September 2019

Green color Southern 4501 coming off the turn table, Green color was during excursion years 1966-1996, Black was for freight 1911-1948 and  now present in Chattanooga, TN (TVMR)

A lot of prep / setup time, the club members setup 46 X 20 feet of tracks and modules in 2 1/2 hours. Tear down is even quicker, hour to 1 1/2 hour.

The yard is setup and really a great sight when full, here you see part full and open setup tracks.

Our newly added steam facility and turn table. Also, notice NS diesel excursion going round the bend. This reflects our day and times, as many steam engines are going away and more diesels are being used as head engine. It's suppose to be doable, cheaper and able to do the job. See the two cabooses up front and not at the rear of the train. Well, cabooses now (these days) are used for  the power generator and sight seeking. So this is a modern day Diesel excursion with two cabooses and four passenger cars. I hate to see steam engines got away, but few parts, fewer people know how and rather more expensive to run. But in the southeast go to TVRM in Chattanooga, TN where they have active steam through out the year.

My son's collection of steam engines and really we have more, it's just the ones he used at this event and yes he allowed me to run some too, haha :-)