Thursday, March 5, 2020

Jan. & Feb. 2020 clubs news & Rail fan pictures

Well, the family hobby had a slow start this year in 2020.  I say if you are to busy to Rail fan and run Model trains, you are to busy, haha :-)  But, we met with our Train Club (North Georgia Modurail) monthly meetings and this next coming year will be rather eventful.  We had an event cancel so we have decided to work on our club modules and member modules, a work month for the month of March. (and of course the annual dinner and officer vote / selection).

So I have some rail fan  pictures on file that I will share with you on this blog post.

Here we see here a picture of a steam doubleheader Southern 630 and 4501.  TVRM has an excursion trip from their Grand Junction Depot in Chattanooga to Summerville Georgia. It's mainly in the Spring, summer and Fall, but a great trip with drinks, snacks and a meal.

Here's a distant picture of 4501 on a cool clear day next GA Hwy. 27 going south to Summerville, GA.

Southern 630 & 4501 starting out their trip south bound to Summerville Georgia.

Thanks for visiting.

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