Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Savannah Round House

A couple of summers ago, we took our family vacation in Savannah Georgia.  With River street, the train Round house and Tybee  beach near by, it has something for the whole family.  We enjoy River street day or night, either morning or afternoon.  We enjoy a first night walk on the beach, then next day on the beach. But with young Caleb, the meaning ALL day is usually spent at the train museum and round house.


Well He had  the best day ever. As they had a local active steam tank engine and Caleb wanted to ride in the cab.   Obviously, he could not do this in t-shirt and shorts with flip-flops.  So they gave him some train clothes with boots.  And he got to ride in the cab.


This also meant  prep work for the engine.  Firing up the engine then adding coal and water. An exciting job for young man hooked on trains.  

As Caleb got into the cab, he was given the responsibility of Bell man. A position  took very seriously. 


So now you can see while it took almost the whole day.  But it was  a good time and a good day.

It was a very hot day but we cooled off at the pool and did then did river street that night.

Here's a picture of the crew and yes one was a girl.

I must admit that we have gone there a couple of more times. And right now, it's a family favorite.

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